IDO Process
Dive into a world of seamless investment with’s innovative IDO process. Our two-step system makes participating in groundbreaking projects as easy as 1-2.
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Dive into a world of seamless investment with’s innovative IDO process. Our two-step system makes participating in groundbreaking projects as easy as 1-2.
Last updated
Here's how we transform your investment experience:
On our homepage, you can easily find ongoing IDOs, with upcoming and sold-out IDOs listed right below. When you find a project that sparks your interest, submit your application just by clicking “Apply Now”.
Remember, you need to be at least Tier 1 to join. The higher your tier, the more perks and guaranteed allocations you receive.
Before the IDO launch, we capture a snapshot of your application and tier to determine your IDO allocation. Whether you win or lose the ticket for the IDO, you will receive a notification on the website. This ensures you stay informed and ready for the next steps.
Great, you've won the ticket for the IDO! Want to know how the Auto-invest feature will handle your investment? Check out the Auto-invest section for more details.